James Smith & Sons Umbrellas

Hazelwood House



James Smith and Sons (Umbrellas), Ltd. Posted Order Terms and Conditions


Please read these terms carefully, and print and keep a copy of them for your reference.


This website is owned and operated by James Smith and Sons (Umbrellas), Ltd., Hazelwood House, 53 New Oxford Street, London, WC1A 1BL.


If you need to contact us, please email us at sales@james-smith.co.uk, or call us on 020 7836 4731.


VAT number: 234707273
Company registration number: 01102789


1. Delivery


Once your order has been paid and completed, we will despatch your goods within 10 working days.
Goods are shipped via ICC-Global and are subject to their Terms and Conditions, which can be found on their website www.icconline.uk.com Estimated delivery times also may be found on their website. Typical delivery times (given for illustration purposes only) are two to four days for Europe and the eastern United States, and three to five days for Asia and the western United States.
ICC requires an electronic signature at the point of delivery. Please make sure that someone is available to take delivery of the goods. The electronic signature is proof of delivery.


Please note that James Smith and Sons (Umbrellas), Ltd., cannot be held liable for any consequent damages arising from delays in shipping after ICC has collected your order from our premises, nor can we guarantee delivery within a specific time.


If your goods have not arrived seven working days after dispatch, please let us know as soon as possible.



2. Import duties


Please note that certain destination countries may levy an import duty on goods exceeding a particular value. Duties may also apply to umbrellas and walking sticks made from certain woods or with certain finishings.


James Smith & Sons (Umbrellas), Ltd. cannot accept responsibility for payment of import duties. It is your responsibility to ascertain what import duties, if any, may be payable and to arrange payment for them. As laws and import duties change frequently, James Smith & Sons (Umbrellas), Ltd. cannot offer you advice on import duties that your country levies on imports.



3. Cancellation


You can cancel your contract before delivery and up to 7 working days after delivery. To do this, please e-mail us or fax us.


This cancellation policy does not affect your rights when we are at fault. For example, if goods are faulty or misdescribed.


This policy does not apply to the following goods, which are exempt from the right to cancel:

1. Any goods cut or altered to your request. For example, where a walking stick has been cut to fit your height.
2. Any goods specially made. For example, an umbrella made with a specific colour cover or handle.


Please note! If you cancel, you must return the goods to us at your own expense. You are responsible for the risk of loss or damage when you return goods, so you should take out enough postal insurance to cover their value.



4. Faulty Goods


If there is a problem with the goods, please contact us by email within seven days of receipt.



5. Changes to these terms


These terms were amended on February 2013.


These terms apply to your order. We may change our terms and conditions at any time, so please do not assume that the same terms will apply to future orders.
